Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tough Times

For the past week I've had this song stuck in my head. It really helps me to remember to stop and enjoy my children when they're little. It's days like today that I need that reminder. Here's the song:

You're Gonna Miss This - Trace Adkins
She was starin out the window of their SUV
Complainin sayin I can't wait to turn 18
She said I'll make my own money
And I'll make my own rules
Momma put the car in park out there in front of the school
And she kissed her head, and said 'I was just like you'
You're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna' miss this
Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In her one bedroom apartment
And her daddy stops by
He tells her it's a nice place
She says, 'It'll do for now'
Starts talkin' about babies, and buyin a house
Daddy shakes his head
And says baby just slow down
Cuz' you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna' miss this
Five years later there's a plumber
Workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin'
kid's cryin' one kid's screamin'
And she keeps apologizin'
He says they don't bother me
I've got two babies of my own
One's thirty- six, one's twenty- three
Huh, it's hard to believe
But you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days
Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' miss this
Yeaahhhh... you're gonna' miss this...

I know I'm a week late with posting this picture I just now had time to put it on the computer and post. My blog has taken the back burner until I can get my life back in order. Easter 2008
These days I'm just trying to survive in between naps and I'm reminded how much I love my angels when they're sleeping and all is peaceful. We are adjusting to becoming a family of 4 and trying to find a routine. Jayden has had a hard time sleeping and I think he might be trying to give up his naps. I don't know if I could live with that, he gets so cranky with out them. One days he was so tired but wouldn't go to sleep that we put him down and closed the door and he whinned for 30 min. before falling asleep sitting up on the edge of his bed. Cute.

I love this picture of Darcy, you can kinda see her "red hair" stage. We know it probably won't last long and most pictures we take you can't see red at all. Darcy is growing so fast but she's still tiny and only weighed 6lbs 10 oz at exactly 4 weeks. I know someday this will embarrass her but for journal purposes I must say all of her weight has gone to her double chin, thighs and length. She has long arms looks tall and has just now started to fit into newborn clothing. She only fits because of her length the clothes fall off her shoulders and look huge on her.

I love this picture of Jayden he has such sweet eyes.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Growing boy.

Same tunnel, same kid, 5 months apart.

Right Back At Ya!

So it’s been three years since we both covenanted with each other that we would love each other for eternity. So far so good! If you ask me it seems like it’s only been 2 years, not because I don’t remember when we got married, but because it has gone by so fast and so much has happened in the past three years. Now it’s my turn share with you how much I’ve learned about love. Love is scratching my back during sacrament meeting to keep me from falling asleep. Love is putting up with my nightly snoring and not jabbing my in the ribs. Love is a brand new propane grill for Father’s Day when I least expected it! Love is putting every ounce of thought into the holiday gifts you give. Love is showing by example how to be the most loving parent in the most difficult circumstances. Love is not killing me after I wrecked your perfectly good car! Love is paying the bills every month because we both know that I won’t remember. Love is forgiveness given when I don’t feel like I should be forgiven. Love is supporting me while I go through school by staying home with our children. Love is a soft kiss on the cheek after a long day of school and work. Love is saying, “I love too” at night before we go to bed and in the morning before I leave for school. Love is calling me between classes just to talk and see how it went. Love has gotten us this far and I anticipate it carrying us through eternity. With you as my companion I have nothing to fear for I know you will be there when I need you! It’s hard to describe with words what your heart and soul feel, but I know you feel it too and you understand how happy it makes me feel! I look forward with anticipation to the many years to come. Just remember that love is forgiveness when I do something stupid! I love you so much and I want you to know that you will always be my beautiful, my hottie, my eternal companion, my wife and most importantly my love!
Happy 3rd Anniversary,
P.S. I tried to post a picture, but I couldn't make it work. I'm new and I'm a guy, but I tried!

Egg Hunts

Some places Easter egg hunting is a sport and it takes years of training. We're starting early to ensure we have a top competitor in our home. Here are some steps you can take to train your offspring as well.

#1: Practice. You need to practice before the big day, your backyard works just great. You have to start early! Practice should begin before breakfast to make sure there is motivation to back inside.

If your child whines and insists on food it's okay to throw some crackers in a bag and tell him to get outside.
#2: Basket Holding. This step should be completed before the big day but it's okay to cram right beforehand. Find out which basket holding technique works best for your child. To each his own but remember this could mean the difference between a full or an empty basket.

Technique A - Works for some, not for us. They have a higher chance of tripping because they can't see their feet. (Recommend this technique to your competition - not that we play dirty or anything, we just like to tip the odds in our favor.) Technique B - This never works for anyone. It does keep the children entertained though and makes for a cute picture every once in a while.

Technique C - Letting the child hold their own basket comes with its own risks. The most obvious is that your kid gets too excited and dumps their eggs. Then all the hard work you've put in would be worthless - for us it's just too much of a risk. Technique D - Let the adult hold the basket to ensure the least number of accidents. This is the safest and most commonly used with the young athletes. (This is the method we selected.)

#3: Hunting Grounds. It's important to choose wisely when finding a "hunt" to participate in. You want something challenging yet rewarding it could take months of research or you could happen to find a place the day of and hours before. We really wanted him to find the event rewarding so he would participate next year. We would hate to ruin his career early. ( See any eggs anyone? )

#4: Competition. It's important to arrive a few minutes early to have enough time to check out and distract the competition. Remember we're not here to make friends we're here to win! However, you can be cleaver and be friendly in hopes of distracting the competition. Like I said, anything to tip the scales in our favor.

#5 Strategize: It's important to leave enough time just before the race to get in last minute strategies with your coach. You never know what could happen and it's always best to be prepared.

Results: Jayden got 4 eggs, yep that's right. All of this training and strategizing just doesn't cut it when you have 100 children and not enough eggs. We'll have to look for better grounds next year.

Pinewood Derby

This morning our family got to go support the scouts and Tim in his calling and watch car races! Jayden thought it was awesome and wanted to hold one. The car 5th up from the bottom (bright orange) is Tim's car.

These cars were the top 3 cars amongst the boys. Tim has no doubt that if his car counted in the races he would've won. ;)

March 19, 2008 our 3rd anniversary


This month we celebrated our 3 year anniversary. We’re still newlyweds in most people’s books but it feels like we’ve been together forever. These past few years I’ve learned a lot about true love from you and I want to share some of the things I’ve learned so far.
True love still opens doors for you. True love gets you large glasses of ice water just the way you like them. True love takes a fast shower so you still have some hot water left. True love says, “can I tie those for you?” when you’re 9 months pregnant and trying to put on tennis shoes. True love lies on your side of the bed to heat it up for you before you climb in. True love saves you the last peanut butter egg. True love makes sure your car always has gas so you don’t have to fill it up. True love warns you before the bumps in the road so you can get your makeup just right every Sunday on the way to church. True love gets you a towel and gives you a hug after each bath. True love tells you, “I love you” every night before falling asleep. True love gives you a kiss and tells you, “I love you” each morning before leaving the house. True love still calls you "HOT" when the only thing hot these days is your attitude.
Tim, thank you so much for teaching me all about true love, I can't wait to learn more in the years to come.

Happy Anniversary Babe. I love you.

Happy Birthday Greg! (on March 13th)

Dear Greg,

Happy 19th Birthday! Gosh, my cute brother is getting old! You've always been the peacemaker, easy to get along with, quiet sibling. Everyone thought they were your best friend (we all know that I really was!) Greg I love you and our family wouldn't be the same without you I hope you had a great birthday.

Love ya and see you soon,
Amanda (Tim, Jayden and Darcy)
P.S. ~ Sorry all our pictures of you are lame. ~ Mom, you'll have to email me that cute one of him before his graduation ceremony opening cards. That's one of my favorite pictures of him.
P.P.S. ~ Sorry this post is late.

March Madness

March has been one busy month for our family. We've had birthdays, parties, anniversaries, guests and some not so happy times. We've been so busy and adjusting to life with 2 children that blogging has taken a back seat. So, I'm catching up - a late post is better than none right?

We had Jayden's birthday and birthday party - very fun! He's growing so fast. Uncle Greg (19)and Aunt Edna had Birthdays. We all got sick with the cold even little Darcy. Great Grandpa Scott came to visit Jayden and Darcy he got to stay for several days. We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by going to the parade and with a party at our house with some couples from the ward. Grandpa (or Papa as Jayden calls him) Scott and Uncle Eric came to visit us and Great Grandpa Scott. (This picture makes me laugh because it was our sad attempt at a group picture.)
Darcy or Sister D as we've started calling her got sick enough to be admitted to the hospital. They think she had a staph infection and she was there from the 17th to the 20th. On the 19th Tim and I had our 3rd Anniversary - we didn't really get to celebrate because I was in the hospital with Darcy the whole time. All of this and we still have over a week left in March.
I thought this picture was so cute. It's Great Grandpa Scott and Grandpa Scott pushing a sleeping Jayden in his stoller.

While Uncle Eric was visiting we had enough time to take him to the park and let him play. He's getting so big.


For Jayden's birthday we had a small party at our house on March 8th. We had playdoh and decorated cupcakes. It was only one hour but we learned that a house of 5 two year olds is 5 too many. At the hour mark every child went into meltdown mode - we knew it was time to end the party. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Jayden Ray

Today was all about Jayden. He got to pick what movie we watched (when doesn't he?!) He got to pick what he wore, what we ate for dinner and apparently when he opens his presents.

Movie: Toy Story then Land Before Time.
Outfit: Jeans and Cars T-Shirt.
Dinner: Hot Dogs and Grapes.
Open Presents: Whenever Jayden feels like it.
You are officially 2 today, even though you've been acting like a 2 year old for months now! I can't believe how much you've grown and what a little man you've become. You have such a personality and know what you want.
You love to watch movies especially Cars, Toy Story and Open Season. You love playing outside and riding your bike. Anything that has wheels captures your attention right away. You know your alphabet and the sounds each letter makes. You can count to 8 and know basic colors. You get excited at the sight of cats, dogs, Curious George, Mickey Mouse, Cookie Monster, trucks, anything Disney Cars related, Spiderman. You like to call family on the phone and chat, you always want to talk with Grandma Scott.
You spend your days:
  • throwing things down your slide
  • playing with cars
  • going for walks with me (mom)
  • reading books
  • watching movies
  • and tearing things apart.
You love to "help" dad with projects around the house. Your favorite foods are any kind of berry (mainly strawberries), "grandma's peas", chicken nuggets and quesidillas. You're still very attached to your blankies and baba and need them every night to go to bed.
No matter how big you get you're still my little man, my firstborn. It brings tears to my eyes to think of how much you've grown and the many more changes that are ahead. I'm grateful that you are eternally a part of this family, we are truely blessed.
I love you,
Birthday Pictures:

We only have pictures of you opening this one present because it is the only one you would open in front of the camera. You refused to open the rest of the presents at that time. We let you play for a while and a few hours later Dad came upstairs to find that you had opened the rest of your presents! Look at the mess you made!

I made a cake with strawberries since you love them. When I was putting the strawberries on top you kept picking them off and eating them. Everytime I turned around your cheeks were full and another berry was gone.

After we sang Happy Birthday you clapped for us.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I got 16 correct...

Spot The Fake Smile
This experiment is designed to test whether you can spot the difference between a fake smile and a real one
It has 20 questions and should take you 10 minutes
It is based on research by Professor Paul Ekman, a psychologist at the University of California
Each video clip will take approximately 15 seconds to load on a 56k modem and you can only play each smile once

One week old

Darcy (or Darce as we like to call you),

Yesterday you passed your one week old mark. We are amazed at how small you are and then we laugh at how huge your feet are compared to the rest of you. You have the longest fingers and toes. Your brother and you both have toes that are the same length (he turns 2 tomorrow.)

Two nights ago you finally slept through the night. You have been convinced that everynight there is going to be a party and were wide awake. I'm glad the talk we had worked and you finally realized no one in this house is awake after 11pm. Good Girl!

You had your first bath at home and just relaxed in the warm water. Your brother threw toys at your head (don't worry we stopped him.) He just wants to remind you that he's never far and is always thinking of you.

Speaking of your brother, he still doesn't know what to think of you. He's starting to realize there is competition for mommy's attention. He even went so far as to barf in nursery on Sunday to take away some of the attention that was being given to you. (Kudoos to Dad for actually catching the barf to save the nursery carpet (in my opinion NO carpet is worth THAT much.)) He finally asked to hold you and gave you a kiss. And by the way ~ he's sorry for almost killing you the other day ~ he didn't mean it.

Daddy LOVES to hold you every night. He's big on snuggling and wants to hold you even when he's sleeping. He already pronounced you Daddy's Little Girl and secretly thinks you're going to be his favorite. (By secretly I mean that he tells you every night and I have to remind him that we love our children equally. Shhh don't tell Jayden.)

Thank you so much for joining our family. So far, it has been an easy adjustment. I know I might regret saying that in a few weeks when you're finally out of your sleep all the time stage. We can't wait for smiles and laughter and don't mind that our house has been invaded by all things girl and the color pink.

I love you,
